Ashley Rich

Ashley Rich
Ashley Rich Adjunct Professor

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Areas of Expertise

Contemporary, Jazz, Ballet, Horton, and Hip-Hop

Ashley Rich, Dance Educator, Choreographer, and Mentor has been in the dance industry for fifteen years – much of it teaching and choreographing nationally. Her professional training includes Contemporary, Jazz, Ballet, Horton, and Hip-Hop.

Some of Ashley’s achievements include being a finalist on the 8 th Season of So You Think You Can Dance and attending the prestigious Ailey School, home of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (NYC). Highlights of her teaching, adjudicating, and touring include: Ingredients Dance Training Program and Company (Dallas), Dance Revolution Conventions (USA Nationals), Turn It Up Dance Challenge, and Earthshakers National Dance Competition. She also helped develop the Contemporary program at Downtown Dance Factory (NYC), while serving as the program’s leading coordinator. Ashley also served as Director of Dance at the School of Creative and Performing Arts (Los Angeles) for 6 years – this international Contemporary-Jazz dance intensive for teens is the foundation to which Ashley attributes much of her own growth.

Since 2014, Ashley has developed programs and dance companies focused on helping dancers find their Purpose in Dance. Rich Dance Project (Ashley’s NYC-based dance company) performed extensively with the New York Jazz Choreography Project, Brooklyn Dance Festival Youth Ensemble, Brooklyn Summer Stage, Tracie Stanfield’s Synthesis Too Apprentice Show, and Brooklyn Museum’s Target 1 st Saturday’s Series, among others. RDP’s successes catalyzed a professional branch, Rich Dance Company. RDC consists of a group of multi-cultural professional dancers who use their dancing to bring impactful change to communities. In 2020, Ashley launched A. Rich Dance – now the organizational umbrella for her many programs, classes, and companies.

Ashley recently added choreography and teaching at universities to her list of achievements – including Roger Williams, Salve Regina, and Sacred Heart. These experiences have ignited excitement, as Ashley continues to launch programs that serve the next generation of dancers.

Ashley’s goals are to help the dance community develop authentic artistry, thrive in technical excellence, and provide a dance community where ALL dancers are welcomed. Focused on these goals, Ashley dedicates herself to creating programs and opportunities for dancers to grow and find their purpose in dance!